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Change Device Serial Port Number using AHK ​

Prerequisite ​

Device Console executable devcon.exe is required, and is only available to download from Windows WDK (Windows Driver Kit).

Download it from

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In the installation wizard, ignore and proceed when it prompted that it couldn't find any Visual Studio development kit and if you still wish to continue.

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Finding Device ID ​

You need to find the serial port Device ID as registered in Windows, this argument will later be passed over to devcon.exe to change its com port.

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AHK Script ​

; Define paths to DevCon executable and device ID
devconPath := "C:\Path\To\DevCon\devcon.exe"
deviceId := "USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"  ; Replace with your device ID

; Function to change the COM port using DevCon
ChangeCOMPort(oldCOM, newCOM) {
    global devconPath, deviceId
    RunWait, % devconPath " disable " deviceId,, Hide
    RunWait, % devconPath " set " deviceId " portname=" newCOM,, Hide
    RunWait, % devconPath " enable " deviceId,, Hide

; Change COM port from COM99 to COM1 before running start.bat
ChangeCOMPort("COM99", "COM1")

; Run start.bat

Esc:: {
    If (A_PriorHotkey = "Esc" && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500) {
        Run("taskkill /im mu3.exe /F",, "Hide")
        ; Change COM port from COM1 back to COM99 before exiting
        ChangeCOMPort("COM1", "COM99")